The Human Slingshot
1. Intro questions:
What do you do for fun?
Do you like feeling excited, scared, out of control?
Do you like theme parks or fun parks or attraction rides?
Do you like roller-coasters?
Do you like bungee jumping or sky diving?
What’s the most daring thing you have ever done?
Are you a thrill seeker?
How does the bungee jump work? Describe the experience as best as you can.
2. What adjectives / adverbs could you use to describe a bungee jump or sky dive?
For example: exciting….. etc ….
3. Please watch the video.
The Human Slingshot
4. Vocab: adjectives and synonyms similar to “excitement”
action, activity, adventure, buzz, commotion, confusion, drama, elation, emotion, feeling, fever, frenzy, fuss, hysteria, impulse, intoxication, kicks, melodrama, motivation, movement, passion, stimulation, stimulus, thrill, wildness
5. Describe the people in the video.
Scared, laughing, clapping, screaming, shouting, partying, excited etc..
6. Discussion
Would you like to try the human slingshot?
Does it look safe?
Is this stunt for everyone?