
Tag: reading comprehension

Spain and the Blame Game

Spain and the Blame Game http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carles-boix/spain-economy-catalonia_b_1297516.html?     Do you have a deficit with the bank? Do you always comply to the rules or sometimes break them? Do you have any debt on your credit card? Could you help me to shift all my stuff to my new apartment this weekend? Who do you blame […]

Skype Class – Cyber Attacks

Introduction: Skype classes are designed to help with listening comprehension and conversation skills. They will include different and diverse subjects for expansion of vocabulary.   Today’s subject is cyber attacks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/sixminute/2012/02/120216_6min_english_cyberwar.shtml   Please prepare the vocabulary and listen to the news report… Some words need to be changed into the correct tense.   Exercises: hacker […]

New Tech – voice and gesture controlled TV

BBC.com Samsung’s ‘future-proof’ voice-controlled television A “smart” internet-connected television that has the ability to have its hardware upgraded every year has been unveiled by Samsung.   Source:  Samsung was one of many companies that unveiled new connected TV facilities at CES   Q: There is always a lot of unveiling at trade shows. What does […]


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